
Posted by Aleks at 5:05 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

This morning I was woken up by Gwen telling Mom about her weird dream, so I thought I might as well go downstairs. Gregory's friends came over and woke Gregory up because they needed him to play the bass guitar at their house. Lee & Brandon came upstairs to wait for Gregory to change. It just so happened that my brother Christopher was putting together a smoothie right then made from frozen strawberries, bananas, non fat yogurt and apple juice. My mom told Lee & Brandon that they could have some smoothie if they wanted (since they were practically drooling over it anyway). My mom had to make another batch since there was no longer enough for us. While she was making some more smoothie, she was stirring it while it was blending and pushed down too hard so that the plastic spoon she was stirring with got blended too (Not like that's never happened before when she was making a smoothie) fortunately she got most of the pieces out of the smoothie.
After our delicious smoothie breakfast, Isabelle and I watched the wiggles, Oswald and Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Later I ate carrots and posted a few things on my blog. My Mom had some carrots too even though she's allergic to them. She said they looked so good that she thought a few wouldn't hurt, but her hands and throat started itching. Thankfully she wasn't dangerously allergic to carrots, so she didn't get hurt. I watched Max Keeble's big move and went to Sarah and Rachel's house to play for awhile. That's pretty much been my day so far!