
Posted by Aleks at 6:57 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October is such a busy month! Gwen and I signed up for the geography bee, Gwen is trying to become the vice president of our school (because only fifth graders can be president), There have been many birthdays so happy birthday to those people, Halloween is coming up, and much more. Also I'm so happy I got a cat! Faith is just wonderful. She hasn't quite adjusted to Dad though because he scares her. she sleeps with me every night and gives me kisses.She comes when I call her, she doesn't have accidents and she's really nice. Today was our primary program and we had a lot of fun! Our chorus teacher in primary is retiring, so I'm really sad, and her replacement is a Man! After the program when we were in primary we sang I am a child of god and most of us stood up and sang in the front of the room and my chorus teacher and my Sunday school teacher started to cry. Oh and Happy Halloween!!!